A quiet moment of contemplation from one of my friends. When life is a bit hectic, remember to stop and smell the mint….says she…….More contemplative rabbits here
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Люблю, люблю ваши фотографии и, особенно, на загородную тему. Отдыхаю душой:) Спасибо.
So very true.
"Master Rabbit I saw" …
I'll never never have enough of your contemplative rabbits.
A wonderful shot ! Peter in Mr McGregor's garden perhaps!
ah so true…I walk amongst the gardens and take in the details and smell all the scents…it is meditative and so good for the soul
And it looks like she was doing a taste test too! Beautiful capture!
An occasional visit Catherine…superb picture – talk about "capturing the moment". Nice to see the foxgloves and bunnies, something of a rarity here though. Hope all's well on the Copper Coast. Cheers George
This photo reminds me of a painting, I love it.