Today I am letting you into a secret. I want to take a break from the internet. I have no idea how to do it, but it feels like a good idea.
I’ve been blogging weekly for 6 years now. It’s a fantastic discipline and has taught me a lot about just getting on and doing it. I never thought it would be possible to get over the shyness, the voices in the head that say you are not good enough, the public sharing. But hey, I did it!
I’ve been taking a year off from the day job and in some strange way, picking up where I left things 25 years ago. That was before I set up Framework. Before I lived here in this meadow. Before I knew I would always carry that loose thread until I was ready to pick up my stitches again.
I have always been brave. Braver than most as a young child. Now I am going to be brave enough to keep quiet for a while.
As is typical of my life these days, I am following my heart. It’s a new way of operating! No exact plan, no map, no analysis. I jump into decisions that seems a bit bonkers at times. This is probably what ‘going with the flow’ truly means.
Now to the internet.
I love it. It enriches my life. The art, the beauty, the writing. The creativity! Without the internet rural living would be far less tolerable. But there is another side too; the gossip, the hopelessness, the time wasting.
I’ve been wondering about the sameness of things too? The sameness of ideas, thinking, creativity. The bubble I might be in. The colonisation of our minds.
So I’m looking for some re-wilding. Time in the doldrums. Remember when we used to get bored?
Some peaceful book reading? Making stuff? Baking? (Well maybe not baking!!!)
I want to go to the library and look in books with big coloured pictures. Go to the cinema and be blown away by the scale and the sound. Wander aimlessly. Just be quiet.
You have been an amazing ally to me over these 6 years. Through the alchemy of the same internet you have reached out and weird and wonderful as it is, we feel like friends now. So although I will miss you, I will be be back later. Hopefully refreshed and a bit more deeply rooted in the earth.
I will still be on email and can be contacted here. I will still be writing my column in the News and Star, and will still be adding to my galleries and print shop over here.
When we meet again it will be full on summer! Enjoy!
by Pablo Neruda
Now we will count to twelve
and we will all keep still.
For once on the face of the earth,
let’s not speak in any language;
let’s stop for one second,
and not move our arms so much.
It would be an exotic moment
without rush, without engines;
we would all be together
in a sudden strangeness.
Fisherman in the cold sea
would not harm whales
and the man gathering salt
would look at his hurt hands.
Those who prepare green wars,
wars with gas, wars with fire,
victories with no survivors,
would put on clean clothes
and walk about with their brothers
in the shade, doing nothing.
What I want should not be confused
with total inactivity.
Life is what it is about;
I want no truck with death.
If we were not so single-minded
about keeping our lives moving,
and for once could do nothing,
perhaps a huge silence
might interrupt this sadness
of never understanding ourselves
and of threatening ourselves with death.
Perhaps the earth can teach us
as when everything seems dead
and later proves to be alive.
Now I’ll count up to twelve
and you keep quiet and I will go.
I completely feel you on this Catherine! And I’m sorry it’s been so long since I’ve commented. Blogging is great fun and I always enjoy it, but like you, I’ve been feeling very much the same recently. I feel a bit stuck, and that my ideas are not coming to me as smoothly as they used to, so I’ve made more of an effort to take regular breaks from blogging each month now, and sometimes more often than that. I feel like there’s this pressure now to always be sharing things on social media and while I definitely contribute as I am online most days, like you, I yearn for those times when I can just be. Go out, go to the cinema, lose myself in a book, enjoy the outdoors without worrying about other things, and just be in the moment, so I hope your break does you well and that when you return, you’re feeling much more refreshed. Sometimes a break is just the thing we need! Always enjoy your posts, even though I may not comment as often, I try to stay up to date with your photos when I can, and they always make me smile and inspire me, so thank you. – Tasha
Hi Natasha, thanks for the support! Funnily enough I’m still flying with the ideas. Thing is I want to experiment with my ideas away from the internet for a while. Anyway it’s been a long time, 6 years, definitely time for a break. The blogging world has changed and I miss the old days when we were all creating for the fun and adventure of it. It felt like we were breaking new ground…..anyway thanks again, until we meet again x
I completely agree, I think a lot of people have it as a career now and sometimes that gets in the way of just having fun and creating, as you say. I’m glad in a way that my blog is still a hobby for me, but I’ve definitely felt the growing pressure to keep up with trends etc. so I hope you enjoy some time away and find some inspiration!
I will miss your weekly posts, they have always been looked forward too (can you even say that?). Enjoy the freedom, and the summer. I hope the sun always shines for you.Jenny
I’m delighted to hear that Foxglove Lane posts are looked forward to!! Sure what could be better. Looking forward already to coming back. Many thanks Jenny xx
Enjoy your time! And look forward to seeing you when you come back!
Thank you Robin! Following your good example. It strikes me that you manage a pretty good balance xx
Enjoy your sabbatical, Catherine. Will look forward to hearing from you again in a year’s time. Best, Joanne
Thank you! My sabbatical is going on for a year but my internet break maybe only a few weeks! It’s funny how much I seem to rely on it? So I won’t be going too far or for too long Joanne. Thanks for all your support it’s been lovely to connect with you over the years x
Brilliant. And necessary.
Thank you for the vote of confidence Kathleen! Already I feel like a weight is lifting. Thanks for all your support and wisdom too x
Catherine, I was so sorry to see that your newsletter is finishing for a while. My wife Kim and myself have enjoyed reading it for a long time now. Tuesdays will not be the same again!
With all good wishes for the future and the wonderful things stop waiting to be discovered,
Philip Ashton
Thank you dear Philip, it was lovely to hear that you enjoy it! Don’t worry I will be back soon after I’ve had a good old think about the whole lot….and love to Kim as well x
Enjoy your exhale. I really enjoy your breathtaking photos and your thoughtful words. I started blogging about the same time as you and loved it back then when it felt alive and fresh, unmonetised and (speaking for myself) unprofessional in many ways. And then it all got very shiny and commercially driven, and I sort of lost my place and feel for it. At the same time other social media channels were feeling easier and more flexible. A break sounds a great idea, perhaps I need one too! Have a lovely time reconnecting to things you love away from screens.
Belinda I was thinking the same. The buzz of blogging and the ease of sharing then was wonderful. It’s now very much populated with young people who mostly seem to blog about make-up and fashion. They are brilliant of course but the cosy world of the past it aint!! Thanks for your good wishes, I will really enjoy this little break and wonder about the it all from a distance. xx
It seems that many of us are feeling the same way Catherine. I wonder about that. Good for you for taking the plunge. As I think about my own time away a little later, the question that motivates me is “What could I create without the demands and distractions of the Internet? I look forward to hearing how it goes for you.
First of all Kim, without the internet we would never have met and I wouldn’t have been inspired by your research and your amazing work. But yes why is it that so many of us need a break? For me I think there are aspects that have become quite draining. Social media in particular can feel like an extra job at times. And it can bring me down rabbit holes that are endlessly fascinating and then an hour has passed like a minute!! Will be interesting to back off for a while. Who knows what I will learn about it all. Thanks for all your support xx
Take your time . I’ve enjoyed your posts . Some how I think , you got the bug for
Writing . ! how about a novel?
A ting of sadness.
Take care .
Thanks Jimmy, thrilled that you have been enjoying the posts. I will be back and it’s been great re-connecting after all those years:~))
Enjoy the break, Catherine, and be sure to switch the lot off. No cheating! It’s great for the soul.
We might even meet face to face for that swim and a picnic. I’ll bring the strawberries and cream!!!
Haha! That made me laugh. I was there wondering …..maybe just the Instagram??? But you are so right. Cold turkey it is. Yes we are due a picnic…..A swim? I’m laughing again now……xx
I think it’s a great idea! Thank you for the inspiration <3 I loved the poem. I will miss your post, but to long for something, and have to wait for it, is a really good thing – for all of us, in this "instant world" we have created.
Have a magical time <3
Smiles from Ida in Norway 🙂
Ida, thank you so much, it’s been lovely to meet you! It’s worth standing back and wondering about it all isn’t it ? Especially in these strange times. I will be back and look forward very much to reconnecting when we meet again x
My Dear Catherine,we will speak again when the evenings get a little shorter & the colours start to change on Foxglove Lane,Mr.Jameson & I will discuss your return with great fondness as another winter envelops us,until then take care & we will speak soon xxx Pat
Ah Pat indeed there will be dust on the road again. Between Mr. Jameson and Mr. Cohen you won’t have a dull moment. Your “Art in many forms” project is wonderful and seems to be going so well for you. Looking forward to our paths crossing in all kinds of ways long into the future :~)))
Dear Catherine, I’m pleased to have the opportunity to add to your readers comments, although I only found your blog late last year: it has been a joy to read and see your wondrous photographs; they are exquisite. food for the eye and the soul.
…. I am feeling shaken and very saddened presently at the horrific event in Manchester at the Arena, not that many miles from me… the poem you have put up is quite apt and quietly soothing. … But, mainly I wanted to wish you well and happy on your internet break, which reminded me of a quote from the father, in one of my favourite books, ‘Peace like a River’ by Leif Enger, when asked ‘where do you think you’re going ?What do you have for directions? replies, “I have the substance of things hoped for. I have the anticipation of things unseen”
Au revoir .. Love Pat XOXO
Dear Pat, lovely to hear from you and thanks for your kind comments. I know exactly how awful you feel. Everything is changing so fast at times it’s like the ground is moving under our feet. These are extremely challenging times. There really are no words….. I still hope that we can all find peace and quiet in our own lives and go on appreciating small joys. But really it is very difficult sometimes. I’m not sure I have the anticipation of things unseen, I hope so, but anyway I look forward to some fresh insights and connecting with you again. Catherine
Oh yes! Re-wild yourself, dear Catherine. It sounds delicious and I hope it brings you a world of good. In the meantime your photography brightens my days. Thank you for the gift of such beauty.
See you when I see you here… and not too soon for your sake.
Love and happy thoughts of summer refreshment for you,
Thank you Lily, here’s to a bit of re-wilding for both of us. Where to start? I like the idea of summer refreshment!! Hopefully that will include a nice glass of wine or even two xx
My dear Catherine it sounds lovely taking a break….I was forced into a break when I hurt my shoulder and what a blessing as I rediscovered myself….my true self and my voice and personal power. I did stay in touch a bit from time to time with blog reading….but not much. And email with a bit of social media. But I read, and read and caught up on life and hobbies… my dear friend I wish you well on your adventure as it unfolds. Much love to you!
Hi Donna, by coincidence I have visited your blog a couple of times to see if you ever came back!!!! I’m sure when it feels right you will, but I smiled when I saw you were still on that break. We have had such parallel explorations of the whole online world. So I feel in great company with yourself and a few others who are turning back to simpler times. I have probably never been more creative and for a while I will soak that up. Much love to you xx
As someone who spends lots of time offline in order to avoid overwhelm, to deepen my engagement with The Real World and to get clarity around what I really value about online connections, I wish I knew how to post a huge hug of empathy and good wishes in your comments box. Go fill yourself up to overflowing! I’ve been offline since March and I’m smiling because I’ve discovered that many of my favourite online people have now logged off for a while! Like everyone who values you and benefits from your gifts to us, I’ll be around when you get back and look forward to your return. Oh, and in case I blog and you miss it, there’s a blackbird back! In a world gone mad, just the thought of his greedy wee stabby yellow beak trying to grab two blueberries from my fingers at once makes me happy.
O thank you so much for that. The silence (my own) is becoming a habit now. I am itching to get back to the blog but not to all the rest of it I have to admit. I still read a lot, much of it online, and I’m doing lots of creative things. While you are befriending a blackbird we have a family of buzzards living nearby and they are fascinating the whole family. Good luck with the blueberries, sounds magical!!!!!