We are busy; the bees, the hoverflies and us.
We are buzzing, and flitting and re-focussing our intentions.
We are working all hours to keep body and soul together. Gathering and seizing every chance. Seeking only the brightest and best. With every other creature we are plotting and planning and above all…….. we are looking for signs……..
Is there the slightest chill in the wind? Are the leaves turning their backs to the world? Grasses everywhere are turning golden and seeding, so will the farmers get to save the hay?
We are alert. We watch the sky for breaks or for weather fronts approaching from the west…..
There are signs everywhere, Autumn is just around the corner, and the bees, the hoverflies and us just keep doing what we do best……..we are working……and when we get a minute, we are enjoying the Cornflowers………
I love these vibrant images and true words … M x
beautiful, Fall is whispering to us too, soon ,
Wow! What an exquisite photo. Its a rare one to be able to capture bees sucking honey from a flower. Its so captivating.
bean bag cloud chair
Brilliant photos!
Beautiful sentiments and images! I am excited and anxious for autumn to arrive. It is my favorite time of year.
Stunning, I love seeing your photos through all the seasons!
Sarah x
All are stunning pics. The second one is exquisite in its simplicity.
Beautiful !
I am always amazed at your images.That second one is stunning.
PS I really think you should watermark your images – these are too easy to steal
Am thinking about that for such a long time, but I just don't like how they look. Although images could be stolen, there have been some serious cases of photographers and artists successfully winning legal battles over copyright. Copyright ALWAYS remains with the artist/photographer. It has happened to me a couple of times but usually because people don't understand this.
My whole philosophy is to share what I do and to try to add something positive to our world, it surely is complicated!! Thank you for thinking of me though, I appreciate your concern and you warm support:~))
Beautiful macro work, perfect example of seeing the beauty in small
things. Your words conjure up this busy season as people and animals prepare for the cold months ahead.
It's funny we always think the bees are so busy but you bring up a very good point – we are too! Your second photo is stunning 🙂
Aaah…I like to think of us all taking time to enjoy this last bit of summer cornflowers before they – too – disappear into winter. Beautiful post!
This is just the busiest time in the garden for all of us I think…as the weather cools the work outside can be done in a short time as we button up the garden and put her to bed by November here. I am still torn about fall arriving as the leaves are already turning with the drought.
I had to come here simply because of your name Foxglove! I absolutely adore the folowers, but we can't have them because of the dog 🙁
Love the blog, just started following.
Jan @Door251
Such beauty, as always 😀
Re. the watermarking, I've tried all sorts, but like you prefer not to put something visible on the image. So now I mostly just insert copyright info into the EXIF data and hope my images won't end up on sites like Pinterest that strip it. Lately though I've also been putting far fewer images on the blog after a couple were used commercially. I think maybe I need to embrace your approach and start sharing more of my work.
Thanks Annie, yes I use the same method when I remember!! It's important to get some sort of balance isn't it, it is so much fun to share, and yet it feels very hard if that is taken advantage of. And I guess we shouldn't be naive either…..thanks for that I must try to blog about it sometime:~)
Your pictures are wonderful. I just took a quick look around and I love your style. I wish I could use my camera better, but I have given up. My nikon hates me.
Thank you Bobbi! Don't give up if you love your photography, it gives back a lot of love eventually:~)
Wow, what wonderful pictures, love the second one most of all, the defined elegance of nature. Lovely blog too. In the past week or so I'm seeing trees not quite as bright green, the first hint and tinge of autumn approaching, and lengthening list of "to do's" to be done before the days draw in. Yeh, a busy time of the year.
I'd be more excited about autumn – if it was followed by summer – and I mean one when the sun actually shines!
But never mind, I do like your macro work – especially the second shot down which portrays a lovely elegance.
Simply wonderful! Especially with the details and this bokeh.
Thank you all for your great comments, and yes we are heading in to autumn. One good thing about the following seasons is that the light can be amazing, better for a photographer than full sun anyway. There's always an upside:~)