Ever since I began to toy with the word Pilgrimage (journey to a sacred place), as my word for 2014, I’ve been having the sweetest dreams. Walking between the villages of the Cinque Terre in North West Italy linked by a cliff path. Re-visiting a cottage in Donegal, where we once drank wine and danced wildly into the New Year. Moving my studio from a corner of an upstairs room into the heart of this house. This word Pilgrimage invites so many possibilities.
There is no journey to a place of holy significance or a sacred shrine in my visualisation. Maybe it’s more about a spiritual path into the next decade? A journey of the heart and soul. Making a shrine of daily life.
It as a Pilgrimage inwards. A pilgrimage into the third age. A pilgrimage through living the dream of being an artist here and now, no more waiting.
But there is one shadow that won’t let up, there is never enough time, is there? Each new year is swallowed whole by responsibility, survival and attending to detail. Why would 2014 be any different? I will have to find enough hours in the day to close my eyes and make the necessary space. Can I do it?
Dream up your own perfect word for 2014 and then allow yourself to play with it……it can create a deep yet beautiful disturbance!
I love this, and I want to adopt Pilgrimage as a theme in its fullest sense myself. thank you for this inspiration. The results from the inward pilgrimage of Winter Joy Retreat have stayed with me, this is how I want to live. My first outer pilgrimage at the very beginning of the year is to Twin Rocker paper mill in Indiana to buy any piece of paper I like for a solo show in May. Then I will have many pilgrimage times in the studio with my hundreds of pencils, and see where they take me. Happy New Year…
Thank you for sharing your beautiful words and images in 2013. We will be delighted to accompany you on your 2014 Pilgrimages! Happy New Year ! Angela thesilvervoce.wordpress.com
A grand intention indeed! Sometimes that's all it takes. Meditate on it every once in a while and it will set like jello! All the best to you and your lovely world.
Pilgrimage is a beautiful word for 2014. It's interesting how at the end of a year the new year ahead seems to stretch endlessly, and then suddenly we're half way through and wonder about the time… Time has become so very precious.
Thanks for all the pleasure and wisdom you've shared during the year. I've loved it. Athbhliain fé mhaise dhuit 🙂
I love your word 'pilgrimage' and all the energy that surrounds. And yes – I know too well – the commodity of time. Here's to a l-o-o-o-o-n-g s-l-o-o-o-o-w new year!! Wishing you and yours all the best.
I'm with you on pilgrimage for 2014. I need to push aside the busy-ness and walk more slowly through this world, and make time to appreciate the beauty that surrounds me. Happy New Year. Philippa xx
Happy New Year, Catherine, and good luck on your pilgrimage. I look forward to seeing the images and words you find as you travel through 2014. And thanks for the light you shared with us over the past year.
Happy New Year!!
Can you do it Catherine? Yes you can! And to be honest you are doing it for us every single wonderful post. Thank you for inspiring us to look inside and then out to….whatever! Happy 2014 and may it go s l o w l y.
PS Did I say, what a delicious photo ? Jane X
С Новым годом!
As inspiring as always, Catherine. You've moved me to find my own word of the year – one both obvious and unexpected! Wishing you joy on your pilgrimage. Sx
I like the idea of choosing a word of the year, even though I don't do it personally. Pilgrimage feels so appropriate yest also profoundly personal. I hope your path takes you where ever you need to go. Gorgeous photo. :o)
I'm smitten! Pilgrimage is a fitting tribute to a new year of creative exploration! I am looking forward to the sharing of your spectacular photos and stories in 2014!
I think "pilgrimage" is an ideal word for your spiritual and photographic journey. I look forward to all your 2014 posts as well as the shots in One Half Shut Eye. Happy New Year, Catherine!
(If I had to pick a word for myself, it might be "inspiration"….)
Fantastic photo and beautiful words. I hope you will find your way to realize your dream to the full. All the best for the New Year!
Dear Catherine,
Here you're making shrines of everyday life. This sky is like a miracle. And maybe every sky is, but you only know.
Thank you for enlightning our lives.
Happy, happy new year.
Beautiful post Catherine, I love that you're making pilgrimage about journeying inside rather than outside to sacred sites. I've no doubt that it will be a wonderful word for you, and I'm looking forward to many more posts and thoughts on the topic! X
Thank you Catherine, you have inspired me to think deeper tonight and pick a word !
I have chosen "moment" .A moments to savor , A moment to be in , simply being in the moment.
Willow, your choosing of the word ,Moment. Made me realize, how often when I still myself, in thought and actions. How perfect that "moment " is, with all the senses. Seeming to be heightened all at once.
I am so excited by your word as it means so much to actually act…my word is thrive and I am working on myself to move aside the barriers that keep me from thriving. I do not want to wait and have anyone or anything take my time when it will not help me thrive…time is precious now as each year ticks away. I look forward to following you on your pilgrimage as your time permits.
As always your post has touched such a chord with me … I am horribly aware that lately I am so rushed by commitment and responsibility that I have no time for reflection … you have encouraged me to be sure to make some time.
Nice post and really great to read this post. It's always great to see blog about pilgrim tour blogs. keep rocking in your way.
Excellent to see the pictures and the choice of words are really good..